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Succession Management 7-Step™

[The Right People in the Right Roles with the Right Skills at the Right Time!]

Here are the RESOURCES you'll need for Step 3 ...

Step 3: Quick Synopsis

An organization looking to build and foster engagement among employees would be prudent to adopt a meritocratic approach for its succession processes. This entails rewarding talent and performance in the workplace–by way of explicit advancement and upward mobility. In essence, making the (very) visible statement that the people who have earned the right are the same people who have built a reputation of contributing effectual ideas, going above and beyond their 'day jobs,' and achieving stellar results.

In organizations we often talk about "performance" and "success." But does everyone interpret these words the same way? Creating a common interpretation of success or envisaging what good performance looks like isn't as easy as it would seem. Just as everyone's brain interprets colors differently, we often see performance differently too. To 'calibrate' our various interpretations and reconcile disparate views, difficult questions need to be asked (and answered), drilling down so we can create as unifying an interpretation as possible.

Step 3: Relevant Documents

The documents relevant to this step are:

Merit Based Inclusion Algorithm


Merit Based Inclusion Algorithm PDF FormFill



