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Succession Management 7-Step™

[The Right People in the Right Roles with the Right Skills at the Right Time!]

Here are the RESOURCES you'll need for Step 4 ...

Step 4: Quick Synopsis

Currently significant corporate resources (both time and money) are being devoted to helping people improve their current performance, identifying their broader strengths and development needs and developing them for their next position in their career path. It was only a matter of time for this effort to extend from development for current performance to development for performance in their next position, to development for long term future performance. This is a significant mind shift from short term selection to long term prediction, often over a 3–10 year period or more. The prediction process is not matching an individual to specific known positions and responsibilities but rather predicting how much potential an individual has, with additional growth and development, to be a candidate in the future for a group of possible positions. Both the individual and the future positions are likely to change and evolve over the years before promotion into a specific role is considered.

The construct of potential or talent potential, as used by many organizations, refers to the possibility that individuals can become something more than what they currently are. It implies further growth and development to reach some desired end state.

Step 4: Relevant Documents

The documents relevant to this step are::

Merit Based Inclusion Algorithm


Merit Based Inclusion Algorithm PDF FormFill



