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Succession Management 7-Step™

[The Right People in the Right Roles with the Right Skills at the Right Time!]

Here are the RESOURCES you'll need for Step 5 ...

Step 5: Quick Synopsis

To ensure sustainable growth, an organization's succession management efforts must accurately map the supply of talent against demand, based on its short- and long-term strategic goals and initiatives. The bridge between existing (internal) talent and the 'ready-now' desired state necessary for an organization to remain agile, adaptable, and responsive to changing conditions is the career discussion.

But, while a career discussion provides the perfect opportunity to align employee motivations and aspirations with the organization's need for a robust talent pipeline, many variations of this important discussion lack the format and content necessary to fully engage employees in the rich learning activities that provide tangible benefits for the individual AND for the organization.

Step 5: Relevant Documents

The documents relevant to this step are:

Customized Files (provided directly)

