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Succession 7-Step

Succession Management System

[The Right People in the Right Roles with the Right Skills at the Right Time!]

Succession Management Step #7: 70/20/10 Development

According to research performed by the Center for Creative Leadership, approximately 10% of learning comes from formal training/education; approximately 20% comes from coaching/mentoring; the remaining 70% comes from experiences (including the work itself) and growth/stretch assignments.

The secret to using the 70/20/10 formula is to understand it's not about the exactness of the formula ... but, instead, the concept of ensuring a variety of learning opportunities.

Step #7: Quick Synopsis

When you see people who have a lot of knowledge, they learned it over time. When you see people with an abundance of skills, they developed them over time. When you see people who have accomplished a lot, they accomplished these great things over time. The key is over time ... success is built sequentially, one LEARNING EXPERIENCE at a time.

Bottom line—effective development occurs through experiential learning, not just classroom training interventions.

Step #7: Relevant Resources

SM7 70/20/10 Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to be filled out independent of the succession candidate. The Breadth/Depth Learning (BDL) experiences necessary to bring the employee current with the Key Position Competency Requirements can be done with this worksheet.

SM7 70/20/10 PDF FormFill Worksheet


