The use of photographs can enhance your publication, marketing materials, conference brochure or web site. When placed prominently beside a speaker's biography or speech description, a photograph can introduce the human element and make the copy stand out.
To acquire the 'web quality' photo (72 dpi), simply hover your mouse over the displayed photo and copy or save it. To acquire the 'print quality' photo (300 dpi), click on the photo and copy or save from the new window.
If you have limited experience in working with photographs in either print or web environments and you would like information on the difference between print quality images and web quality images, then click here for a quick tutorial. This link will also provide suggestions on how to determine the best shot (orientation) to use.
Head Shots
Hover & "Copy" for web quality |
Hover & "Copy" for web quality |
"Click" on photo for print quality |
"Click" on photo for print quality |
Alternate Shots
Hover & "Copy" for web quality |
Hover & "Copy" for web quality |
"Click" on photo for print quality |
"Click" on photo for print quality |
Print and Web Image Tutorial
How you plan on using a publicity photo will determine which of Neil's photos you should select. You must first decide whether the photo will be used on a web site or in print. This is an important consideration! If the photo will be used on a web site, choose the "web quality" photo. Don't fool yourself into thinking that a better quality photo is better in a web environment. There is no benefit to choosing the "print quality" photo for your web site because computer monitors can't display it anyway and it will significantly increase the page load time. However, if the photo will be used in print media, make sure you select the "print quality" photo or else you will end up with a very poor image (it will look very fuzzy!) when it is printed. Remember, print media is very unforgiving.
In addition, if you are looking for a head shot for your layout, then you must first decide upon the placement of the photo on the page. If it will be be centered, then any of the head shots will do. However, if the photo will be on the left-hand or right-hand side of the page, choose the appropriate photo for the layout. The action shots will work with any positioning.