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Succession Management 7-Step™

[The Right People in the Right Roles with the Right Skills at the Right Time!]

Here are the RESOURCES you'll need for Step 2 ...

Step 2: Quick Synopsis

A competency model is a framework for organizing individual competencies that–collectively–describe not only what people need to KNOW and be able to DO, but also how they must function to get it DONE within your organization, industry, and, when relevant, the social, political, and/or economic environment your organization operates in. A competency model encompasses all of the competency and proficiency requirements for a particular job.

To successfully create a Key Position Competency Model, there must be some agreement as to what is meant by 'competency.' Many interpretations exist and most define competencies by listing the desired behaviors that would result if a person was, in fact, 'competent' in the position. This follows the theory that the Right Behaviors will lead to the Right Results. Unfortunately, this type of definition is inadequate within the context of succession management because it's virtually impossible to map the myriad elements that drive and sustain a behavior by looking at the behavior alone.

To address this shortcoming, the foundational components integral to–and supportive of–the desired behaviors are taken into account resulting in this comprehensive definition: A competency is the observable and measurable application of knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs), magnified by the individual's traits, temperament, and disposition (TTDs), and activated by individual behavioral drivers (BDs). Formulaically, this is represented by: KSAs x TTDs x BDs.

Step 2: Relevant Documents

The documents relevant to this step are:

SM7 Worksheet 6.2 Competency Gap Analysis Worksheet


SM7 Worksheet 6.1 Competency Gap Analysis PDF FormFill



