Clearview® Performance Systems brings you ... ® ... a Culture of Results & Engagement®
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People Management Essentials (PME) focuses on the management/leadership activities necessary to make peak performance a permanent part of your culture. The PME system provides a solid foundation in motivation and reinforcement strategies, setting goals and expectations, performance management techniques and coaching (tuning) processes for continuous improvement.
Here are the RESOURCES you'll need to fully implement the PME system ...
The MBDL (MORE | BETTER | DIFFERENT | LESS) Ideation System enhances a coaching discussion by focusing on the four types of behavior change that lead to increased performance:
Here are the resources you'll need to deploy the MBDL Ideation System.
Every objective, goal or outcome requires a series of steps (tactics) to ensure successful completion. While these 'steps' might be similar to (and frequently the same) steps that anyone would take to accomplish the same result, the challenge for supervisors is that employees are often at different stages of development and/or have varying degrees of engagement.
The Step It! Planning Worksheet is a visual, step-by-step breakdown of all of the activities necessary for an employee to achieve a specific result, objective or goal.
Here are the resources you'll need to utilize the Step It! Coaching System.
The LEARNlinks system can be used for both formal learning (e.g., learning that takes place within a formal learning environment such as a training program) as well as informal learning opportunities.
LEARNlinks makes 'application' the focus of ANY learning event ... turning Know-How into Do-Now.
Here are the resources you'll need to utilize the LEARNlinks Learning Continuity System.
Higher performing organizations know that the secret to successful outcomes is an effective coaching system that engages employees in the activities that drive peak organizational performance. These same organizations have discovered that the single most important managerial competency that separates highly effective supervisors and managers from average ones is effective coaching.
The CCD-4 coaching system is a mutual conversation that follows a predictable process and leads to commitment to the course corrections necessary for superior performance.
Here are the resources you'll need to utilize the CCD-4 Course Correction Dialogue.
The CORE (Culture of Results & Engagement) MAP (Management Action Plan) uses decision-tree technology to determine—with precise accuracy—the approapriate managerial steps to take in all workplace situations.
Here are the resources you'll need to utilize the CORE MAP (Management Action Plan).